Monday 26 May 2014

Web Scrapbook download for android


Web Scrapbook :-

While you are browsing website, have you ever wanted to quote and post a piece of the web page to Twitter, Tumblr or other apps?
In order to do so, you have to save screen shot to local storage, crop image using some app, make a note of original URL and finally post them together. But we think it is too many steps.
Web Scrapbook - screenshot thumbnailWeb Scrapbook - screenshot thumbnailWeb Scrapbook - screenshot thumbnail
This app simplifies this task a lot.
WebScrapbook trims web page and send the cropped image to other apps like SNS or Email.


-Crop web page and share the cropped image to other apps:
-Copy web page URL when it is cropped:
-Save cropped image to local storage:
-Image viewer for saved images:
-NEW POSTS viewer:
If you set your Twitter or Tumblr account name, your posts are shown to other WebScrapbook users in NEW POSTS tab.


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